Softball and Philosopy

July 29, 2009

What is it about softball that pulls me back? What is it about softball that makes me WANT to practice in my spare time, that causes me to ENJOY playing in the rain? Softball calls me like no other sport I have played does. Every other one (even fencing) did not inspire the drive to obsessively practice in my spare time.

This is not a comparison about softball and baseball. The real difference between those two is how people PERCEIVE them. They tend to think of baseball as important, and softball as its weaker cousin, which girls play because they don’t have the strength for baseball.

Silly rabbit, softball is for girls.

Softball is about the MIND. Sure, being athletic helps, but in the end, it is about concentration and drive. If you can’t believe you’ll catch the ball, you won’t catch the ball.

Watch a pitcher. Watch their face. Watch them take a deep breath and relax. If your mind isn’t empty, you aren’t going to be able to throw a complex pitch.

In the end, if you’re concentrating, and you keep your mind free of clutter (let your reactions flow) you can play softball. Passably.
